I design books and other objects, but mostly I enjoy making things and having them printed. I have worked widely in book publishing as a designer and art director, collaborating with authors, illustrators and photographers. I write and illustrate my own picture books, and illustrate other texts too. My picture books are published in the UK and Europe by HarperCollins, PenguinRandomhouse, and in the US by Abrams.
If you'd like to learn more about what I do, commission a design or illustration project big or small, or arrange an author visit to your school/event, drop me a line.
Film and other rights for some of my books are available from my publishers, or directly from profuselyillustrated.com, so don't be afraid to ask.
If all you care about is knowing how to make a book dummy, you can watch a 6 minute video here.
Visit the Little Shop if you’d like to buy your own print or illustration.
David Mackintosh, London, 2025.